Old Style by Molekor Old

Your Style.Your Identity

Archive for the tag “wardrobe”

5 Ways A Man Can Look Stylish Without Breaking The Bank.

We all know that when it comes to men’s fashion and shopping for good pieces, we have to get extra wise and extra imaginative. Some of the rules for shopping for women’s clothes do apply to men and while we all love to appear put together as though our total outfit cost a pretty penny or kobo depending on where you are, we are not always able to spend that much, I mean let’s face it, a brother has to eat, pay the rent, pick up the bills, I could go on… so you do need to spend wisely!


How does one look like a highly paid banker or investor without spending like one? by learning how to shop wisely and learning how to put a great outfit together. You could buy a $1000 blazer from Armani or one from Zara that cost $100 it doesn’t matter, what matters is how it looks on you! just building up your wardrobe? buying affordable outfits will work better for you. Yes, an Armani blazer will last you dozens of years and feel great when you wear it, but you will also feel great in a Zara blazer that fits you to the tee I guarantee you!


1.  Do your research, take the time to find out stores that retail good and affordable clothes that fit your lifestyle and style personality. Are you conservative or you tend to wear most casual looks through the week? pick out places that stock a good variety of your kind of clothes and compare prices. And guys, don’t be a store snob, search out stores you previously ruled out as too crappy or too expensive, you could be pleasantly surprised. Narrow your find to shops that have the best offers for the best quality and fit within your budget.

mens nigerian wearCheap Suits from supermarkets

2. If you buy good basics and learn how to put them together, you will be on your way to a stylish makeover. I will be the first to tell you that your clothes do not have to be made by Tom ford to be stylish( though it would be nice if they were), it’s a common misconception that if they were stylish and of good quality, they would be expensive,yes to be honest that’s true in many ways, but a lot of affordable basics – the white shirt, a pair of dark rinse jeans, a good suit or blazer in black, grey and navy could really be of good quality if  you looked carefully. What catches most buyers’ eyes are accessories and pieces like ties or wristwatches so that’s what retailers tend to make people spend more on…First make sure you have  the really good separates in your wardrobe and then go from there. This is not to say you cannot find affordable accessories, depending on your taste, you could find really good ties, shoes, cuff links and other accessories that gives you a stylish feel with affordable prices, what’s important is your creative ability to combine these looks in successful ways.


3. Good grooming could take your look from being crappy to extraordinary!!! A contemporary or conservative haircut could even make you look younger or older depending on what you’re going for.. if that’s your thing. Try to keep your nails well cut and clean and unless you only leave your house in the wee hours to places where no one is allowed near you, make sure you leave home smelling great all the time. Also, keep your shoes shined, your pockets empty, avoid bulky bags and do not chew gum in meetings or any where public for that matter!!! With these basic tips, you are sure to make a big impression when it comes to good grooming and sense of style. Though it might seem superficial, the care one takes with one’s appearance is actually a reflection of the type of person a man is, so go figure.


4. Colors and tones that are trendy or suit your color tend to make you look stylish and great. you look good in blue? find ways to build it into your look, or grey,brown and even brighter hues like red and orange.


5. Finally, there’s nothing worse than ill-fitting clothing, whether too loose or too tight! Ensure that your shirt is fitted and that it flatters your body type and minimises any flaws. You can guarantee this if you get your clothes tailored by a good tailor. Suggestions for styles, colors and cuts can come from a tailor who’s good at his work and he can actually up your fashion ante for you.


So guys, learn to create awesome outfits with affordable clothes before you even consider the high-priced items and once you’re ready to spend big, you’ll already have a killer wardrobe at your disposal. A stylish man is one regardless of the price tags hanging off the clothes in his wardrobe so build up your style reputation with ease and this time,no pressure!








photos: mirror.co.uk, bellelily.com, Pinterest.com

Do you Need Money To Be Stylish?

This is one argument that keeps going on and on between the fashionistas and stylists. Does one become stylish simply because they can afford to buy all the big labels and follow trends? are the likes of Paris Hilton and Kim Kadashian perfect examples of stylish women because we see them flout fashion rules and pile up high-end brands? can money buy you style? Think off the top off your head of someone you know personally ( we all know at least one!)who didn’t know her style- left from right and now having hit the big bucks through what ever means thought necessary, is now toe tapping with a pair of Jimmy Choos and pointing out trends with Chanel purses on hand! they order clothes from off the runway and straight into their wardrobes and want to be seen everywhere that they can get the spotlight. Most of these people actually need these labels and the constant shopping to validate themselves.You my stylish readers however, do not need the big labels to validate your looks or to make you feel cool and look stylish. A stylish woman knows that she is stylish and feels it. That is why she carries the confidence that ‘fashionistas’ (followers/slaves to fashion) can only dream of having! style is about creating a look for yourself over and over that suits you- your body, your tastes and your personality which transcends age and time in the world of fashion.This is not to say a stylish woman cannot shop high-end clothing, that, my friends, is every woman’s dream!


If you are a business owner like me with a husband who is the only one between us with a regular paycheck, you know that when money comes in, there are already a million more necessary and important things waiting in line to be attended to and so buying designer stuff is definitely far away from the budget… but you know what? this experience is good as it helps you plan your expenses not just for your home but for your wardrobe so much so that even when the funds come pouring in, you don’t end up wasting a ton of money on brands or items you really shouldn’t be buying and you really do not need. Common sense prevails!!! Lots of people tend to think if you work in the fashion industry, you have to constantly shop the high-end labels but believe me when I say it’s a myth. What’s important is what you do with what you have and here’s how you can achieve that:

Check out bargain stores: This a sport (you could lose a few kgs doing this I tell you!) that can be learned. I go to a shop and spend time going through the racks patiently. With patience and a good eye, you will definitely come across stuff that will not only look good on you but will be worth the money spent. Sometimes it may be futile but more often than not, you will score big rewards! do not overlook stores you think are ‘cheap’. Every rough spot could potentially produce a diamond for you. Also high street clothing are fantastic! One person that comes to mind is the Duchess of Wales, Kate who has been seen countless times repeating outfits and sporting high street garments in public. She is definitely a woman of style in my books and it shows. The lesson here? do not discriminate or be a snob when it comes to shops.


Invest your money on Basics: What really are basics? Basics are the foundation for your wardrobe. Trousers, skirts, shirts/blouses, jackets, dresses, bags and shoes in neutral colors best for your color seasons: black,white,grey, brown,camel,beige, charcoal etc. These are the items in your wardrobe that every outfit is built on and this is where if possible, you should not scrimp on because you expect to still own them 5, 10 or even 15 years down the line. This is how to dress rich! If you find a bag in one of these colors that may probably put a dent in your budget, tighten your belt, shut your eyes and pay! sometimes you need to shop quality not quantity. Also, buy more solids than prints; It’s definitely easier to use a red jacket in many more ways than you would a print shirt.


Do a Wardrobe Assessment: That dress you wore just once two years ago now lying at the back of your wardrobe, the skirt or top you didn’t know you still had, get them all out and find out ways to reuse them. Garments that need alterations and fixing, get to it! those that you’ve stored away for the time when you hope to be that size again, yes, you know what I’m talking about, give them out! if they cost you a pretty penny, find ways to resell them and make some money but whatever the case,your wardrobe should be for your life now not in 6 months or a year! let your wardrobe say who you are now; let it fit your lifestyle and not the lifestyle you want to have.


When shopping, consider fit, fabric and color. We already dealt with colors so we should talk about fit. No matter how expensive an outfit is, if it is the wrong fit on your body, it will look cheap and just inappropriate. Take the time to know your size and your body measurements and even then, because sizes vary in countries and even between designers, try them on.( Folds across the hips and torso means it’s too small even if it enters you and you should know when it’s too big for you)  if you get a good fit for your body, you feel more confident wearing it and you actually add value to the look of the outfit on you meaning the outfit looks more expensive. Some fabrics are too delicate to care for and others pill easily especially from cheaper shops. Be careful when shopping cashmere blends, silk and certain cotton fabrics from cheaper stores. Chambray,chiffon, polyester and similar blends are usually fine. Check out online stores, and other places you usually would not shop, you could find dresses or tops that you like at surprisingly cheaper prices and while you’re at it, be bold enough to try something new.

Don’t buy fakes. I have always said to myself, I would rather carry a good handbag with a cheaper brand than carry a faux Birkin or Chanel bag. It reeks of someone who wants to belong in circles they obviously cannot afford to keep up with. Don’t go for trends replicated off the runways to replace designers brands whether its shoes or any type of accessories either. Some shops however are legally allowed to copy designs of  some of these brands but will usually change a few things to prevent them from looking exactly like the original designer items. It’s OK to buy these cheaper brands or you could just stick to nice affordable brands that do their own thing. Style is about originality not fakes.

When putting a look together, try to add a trendy piece or accessory. This keeps you from looking constantly dated. Keep in line with the trends, you must not follow every one of them but you could find a few that fit you and up your silhouette in eye-catching ways. As a stylish person, you will definitely find ways to own any trend you choose to take on. Take this black and white dress below for instance. You could style it with black and white accessories like the model in the picture or you could use these lovely teal accessories to give you a more summer-y look like I did, subtly adding the tarsals on the purse which are on trend at the moment and of course a statement necklace.

Teal accessories


Finally, Accessorize. I left this for last because this is probably one of the best ways to show off your style on a budget. There are all types of accessories out there from the very expensive to the outrageously cheap. Find a middle ground, load up on accessories;  necklaces, earrings, bracelets and rings. Also scarves and pins could change a total look for you. I have said before, accessorizing is the cheapest way to upgrade your wardrobe. I love costume jewelry and the many colors and designs out there. Nothing shows off your personal style like nice accessories.


Best of all, always carry a good attitude and a smile. Most people think buying more stuff will make them feel good about themselves but its the other way around. It’s because you feel good about yourself that you buy good clothing and pieces.

So now you can stop wishing for the big bucks to buy the big labels or stop buying expensive brands you know you can’t afford in the name of being stylish. Follow these tips and even your high-end fashionista  friends will begin to ask you what your secret is! You can thank me later ;))








Photo source: Wikihow.com. Google Images



Style my Black & White Dress…

Style my Black & White Dress...

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